
12 Things Impacting FI's (A2)

Total Time: 30m

To better understand our industry, we will be reviewing the 12 things we have found are on the white boards of most financial institutions today.

By the end of this course you will be able to ...
-State that there are 12 things impacting most financial institutions today.
-Define the roles of the universal associate and outline the benefit of adopting this model.
-Recognize the need for FI's to stay relevant and become different than their competitors.
-Understand the challenges in decision making that FI's experience when considering a transformation.
-Discover ways to apply the concepts in this course to your daily role.
  • Section 1
  • Introduction and Advisory
  • The Power of Personalization in the Banking Industry (Blog Post)
  • Section 2
  • The Universal Associate
  • Top 8 Questions Execs Have About Universal Associates (Blog Post)
  • Section 3
  • Costs and Driving Deposits
  • "It's a Wonderful Life" Run on the Bank
  • Section 4
  • Staying Relevant and Connecting to the Target Market
  • Millennial's Financial Health (Blog Post)
  • Section 5
  • Consumer Experience and Branch Transformation
  • Assessment
  • 12 Things Impacting FI's Final
Completion rules
  • You must complete the test "12 Things Impacting FI's Final"
  • Leads to a certificate with a duration: Forever